Friday 9 May 2014

Phoebe's World War 2 Workshop

Excited, surprised, amazed I walked into Y4’s classroom at 09:50am. It was Thursday 1st May the day of my classes WW2 workshop, a lady called Mrs Ashby was coming into the school hall to let us have fun in WW2 costumes. Why? We were learning about WW2, (such a horrible war.) I felt joyful and couldn’t wait to start the day in school.

First we got given a character, I was a WVS lady with Kayleigh, and we had to wear a grey shirt with a blue jacket and a small hat. Some people were getting ready, meanwhile the others were watching the amazing despicable me 1. When everyone was done we lied up and walked into the hall, everyone sat down then… silence. I did not feel disappointed.

Next we sat up and Mrs Ashby broke the silence, I was glad, she explained how everyone came in and she was pleased. When we started I got called up so did Kayleigh, it was quite nerve raking even though I talk to them nearly every day! I had to hold a knitted blanket which felt soft and made me sleepy. Although I already know lots I still listened.

Finally we got to play with WW2 toys and my favrotie was skipping. Here’s mine, Ellie’s and Lucy’s rhyme…

Hitler Hitler
Turn around Hitler Hitler has a frown
how many bombs can we throw on Hitter

My favrotie part of the day was dancing with Kayleigh.

Unfrightend, exhausted, amused I walked slowly home at the end of the day.

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